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In today’s increasingly competitive marketplace, customers have more choices than ever before. This freedom of choice may divert your customers elsewhere unless more focus is made on keeping them. Smarter businesses are now realizing the growing importance of earning customer loyalty, yet it may be one of the most overlooked aspects of marketing. Many simply don’t know how to do it effectively themselves. Fortunately we do - and we’ve been doing it for quite some time.


As professionals, we must recognize what inspires customers to make a purchase - but also learn what keeps them coming back. Acquisition and retention are two sides of the coin so if your business focuses more on gaining customers than keeping them, chances are that you’re missing out on a potentially bigger piece of the pie. Quite frankly, the formula for each company can be quite different. So, we firmly believe that a solid program should be strategized and customized to suit you perfectly. Our attention is on retention.


Taking steps to shift your customer base into a dedicated stream of returning buyers is a process - not a product. To be honest, we won’t provide you with a pre-planned program and force it to fit you. Instead, we listen to your unique challenges, dig in with questions, and apply our experience to craft a program which should help you understand your customers and allow you to gain some significant benefits. We feel pretty good about this.






Our aim is to be flexible and affordable, so whether your business base is retail to hospitality, entertainment to grocery, or even CPG to B2B, we will adapt the best strategy and technology to your unique loyalty program. You can be sure that there is an innovative, strategic solution we can develop and tailor just for you.

All you need is a Loyalty Leader.  All you need is Ascendant.

Let's get loyal. We're ready.


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